
What is the option button on keyboard
What is the option button on keyboard

what is the option button on keyboard

The only way I've been able to control which OS starts up is to restart from the Boot Camp control panel in OS X in either OS. I've tried pressing the keys from before the startup chime and just after. I've tried hold down each of the two option keys and I've tried holding down both at once. This is true whether I'm starting from the shut-down condition, or restarting. I'm finding that holding down the option key has no effect - the machine boots into whichever OS was last running. This displays icons for all available startup disks and lets you override the default setting for the startup disk that is in Startup Disk preferences (OS X) or the Boot Camp control panel (Windows), without changing that setting.ġ Restart your Mac and hold down the Option key until disk icons appear onscreen.Ģ Select the startup disk with the operating system you want to use, then click the arrow beneath the icon.

what is the option button on keyboard

In this example, you want the Option key (the Alt key on a Windows keyboard) to execute the Command action, and the Command key (the Windows key on a Windows keyboard) to perform the Option action. You can select which operating system to use during startup by holding down the Option key. Use the pop-up menu next to the Option and Command keys to select the action you wish the modifier keys to perform. Select an operating system during startup I have Windows 7 installed on a 15-inch Retina MacBook Pro.Īccording to Apple's Boot Camp Installation and Setup Guide, pg.

What is the option button on keyboard