You should see a menu giving you several choices. That done, insert your DVD or USB stick and reboot. Once you get to the BIOS or UEFI, look for a menu choice labeled "Boot," "Boot Options," or "Boot Order." If you don't see a choice with the word "boot" in it, check other menu options such as "Advanced Options," "Advanced BIOS Features," or "Other Options." Once you find this option by any name, set the boot order so that instead of booting from the hard drive first, you boot from either your DVD drive or USB drive. If you don't spot it the first time, don't worry about it. Likely candidates are a function key or the "Esc" or "Delete" keys. You can also look for a message as the machine starts up that tells which key or keys you'll need to press in order to get to the BIOS or UEFI. Google for "UEFI BIOS settings" for your PC model to find which one will work for you. How you do this varies according to the system. Stop the boot-up process and get to your PC's UEFI or BIOS settings during the reboot.
Next, you place your disc or USB stick into your PC and reboot.