
Fluent ffmpeg get stdout
Fluent ffmpeg get stdout

saveToFile(_dirname+'/output.I need to get stdout of rtsp stream without formatting. addOption('-i /home/nodejs/logo.png', '-filter_complex "overlay=main_w-overlay_w-0:30" -map "" -map 0:a')Ĭonsole.log('Convert: % ' + Math.round(progress.percent * 100) / 100) What is the reason for this? Please could you help? The aim here to print a logo on video when converting. Addoption ('-i / home / nodejs / logo.png', '-filter_complex" overlay = main_w-overlay_w-0: 30 "-map" "-map 0: a ')" However, the generated code FLUENT (query 3) take the paste on the shell when running queries!Īlso ".

fluent ffmpeg get stdout

But "Error: ffmpeg returned with code: 1" (query 2) the form error occurs. Fluent following over-ffmpeg js (query 1) I'm trying to do the translation.

Fluent ffmpeg get stdout